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Welcome to City of Heroes East RP!
SERVER REBOOTS DAILY AT 5:30AM EST! Server started on 2025-02-14 05:35:15, running for 23 hours 48 minutes There are 34 registered accounts holding 35 characters. Ever wish your game had gamepad controller support? Use your gamepad as a wireless home theater pc remote! Sign-up for free trial!: XPadOne Free Trial Key Check out: XPadOne Get it from Microsoft XPad One The best way to access the City Of Heroes server is to use my custom launcher (scroll down to find info - My Custom Launcher/Client Download)
My DayZ server is back online! DayZEastRP-USEast-[NO CHEATING/DUPING! ADMIN Monitored!] Should show up in the launcer list (Standalone version not MOD version of DayZ). IP Address is: coheastrp.net:2302 ( I recommend using coheastrp.net:2302 since it updates if the ip address changes. Fixed download links for the COH Client install and custom texture pack **************************************************************** My Counter-Strike Source Dedicated Server is Online! -=|CHI|=- East Coast CSS - 100 tick - Bank, Bounty, Knife Fight IP/Server Address - coheastrp.net:27015 My HD Gun models, textures, skins, custom maps, and true accurate sounds PACK With the Optimized scripts there is a special buy system in place: Open the zip file and one folder level down you will find the cstrike folder, drag that into your \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\ folder. It should ask to overwrite, click 'Yes' as it is only overwritting the config.cfg (unless you have an autoexec.cfg, then you should back that up as well as config.cfg)
Each of the buy keys will purchase Ammo, Body Armor, Helmet, HE Nade, Flash Nade 1 then 2, Smoke Nade Purchase of these items correlates to your available funds and is purchased in the order listed above If money conservation is deactivated, Night Vision Goggles will be purchased as well Other special keys/functions added with the scripts:
These keys can be changed by editing the config.cfg file in notepad located in your cstrike\cfg folder **************************************************************** My DayZ Standalone Server is OFFLINE! DayZ East RP Server IP Address: coheastrp.net **************************************************************** If you get the MSVCP140.dll missing ERROR for COH (You need the x86 version) Get it from me: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Get it from Microsoft: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable TEXTURE MOD! Self-Extracting: Custom Texture Pack v1.0 TEXTURE MOD! Zip-file: Custom Texture Pack v1.0
************************ COH EAST RP MANIFEST ********************** (right-click copy link location paste in creamsoda or tequila or save file to folder) NOTE: For creamsoda.exe installer, make sure you create a directory for it to extract to, or it will just extract all files in whatever folder you pointed to without creating a folder for itself!
My Custom Launcher/Client Download
(COH East Client Updated to version - 07/06/2022) SERVER/CLIENT VERSION: v2i2.01 (i24) Foundations of Tomorrow (WIKI) Song credits (Chiemsoft COHEASTRP launcher): Buy it now: Weezer - Hero (Single) To download the COHEASTRP client v1.0.6.2 and be able to log in, please follow these steps:
BeefCake's Vidiot Map Mod (Shows enemy areas on map overlay and other more detailed information) Click Here To Download BeefCake's Vidiot Map Mod Point the Map Mod installer to the directory where you installed my launcher. |